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Ecological Footprint

The carrying capacity of our planet is not unlimited. The amount of production we can do to satisfy our needs is limited too as we do not have unlimited resources at a particular point of time. We are consuming more and more. We are creating huge amount of waste and polluting our planet without much consideration. WE are responsible for our problems.

Virtual or Embedded Water 

It is the amount of water that is required to produce food or any other product that we use and to transport it to the market and thus essentially embedded in the item. For example, 1 kg of wheat takes around 1000 liters of water to produce. The world’s population is growing by roughly 80 million people each year. Changes in lifestyles and eating habits in recent years are requiring more water consumption per capita, putting a stress on the available fresh water resources. People in high income countries consume greater amount of virtual water than in low income countries because of different lifestyle and diet.

Instrumental: Identify the environmental problems

Rap message to save the planet

The amount of water we consume each day!

Your Task

What comes to your mind when you look at the following videos?

Identify/make a list of the environmental problems indicated in the following videos using appropriate subject specific terminologies such as deforestation. You should be able to explain how do your identified problems causing harm to our planet? 

Self check (How good is your observation?)

Hint1. The longer your list, more attentive you are

Hint2. The longer the list with meaningful terms, more aware you are about your planet.  

Now: The final 

How would you like to make an impact in this world? What would you change in your daily life to reduce your ecological footprint?

Measure Your Ecological Footprint

Click here to know how many Earths you need if everyone on this planet starts to live like you?… ask you parents to help you in data input for the calculation. Make them aware too.

Use the GNF calculator to calculate your ecological foot print.  

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