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Geography is a wonderful sublimation of Earth Sciences as well as Social Studies

For the students those who are more inclined to the natural sciences/Earth Sciences/Technical or engineering field… Consider the following options. 

Go for something challenging and new

Lucrative job options for those who are more inclined to the social studies and looking for good salary, safe job and POWER!

Job of a diplomat: Highly esteemed

Studying Geo-physics, Geo-engineering, Medical and bio-technology + a pilot certificate

Why GIS/Geo-informatics is so much in demand now?

GIS technology is a crucial part of spatial data infrastructure. There is no limit to the kind of information that can be analyzed using GIS technology. Here is a short list how GIS data and geo informatics would be used in almost all the fields in future. Refer this link to have quick glimpse of the geo-informatics course by the European Universities.

Here is a quick list of some of the best schools in USA offering geo informatics.  

Urban and Landscape management

Here is a list of the best Urban Planning Schools in the World : . Also refer:  and  

TU Braunschweig’s Department of Architecture, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences also offer attractive course in English on Sustainable urbanism and management. Here here to access more information.




A Commercial Pilot? Here is a perspective of a Geography student

The highs and lows of being a commercial pilot, her route to qualifying, plus some words of encouragement for young girls and boys who want to reach for the sky.

Click here to Watch a Day in an Airline Pilot Life in Corona time 

Sustainability Management: Think differently

Huge demand in the Corporate World at present. It encourages you to Think Differently not in terms of Money but also keeping Environment and sustainability in mind. In many universities, it is now offered as a duel course coupled with business management. The need for a sustainable world is growing so as the need for the professionals who are specialized in sustainability is also becoming more visible. Refer:

Resources Management

Geography plays a crucial role in understanding our world. It makes a vital contribution to our knowledge of the rapidly changing environment and social challenges we are facing and how best we can tackle them. Environmental engineering is a progressive discipline that can be pursued later as an offshoot. It  comprises of the scientific disciplines like chemistry, biology, ecology, geology, hydrology, microbiology, and mathematics in creating solutions to protect and improve our environment. Click here to review the list of the top ten universities for Environmental engineering in Germany. 

Geography as a group 3 subject for the Medical science students

For the medical sciences students Geography could be a plus as a group 3 subject. Medical geography enrich medical sciences by enquiring deep into the spread and cause of the diseases. Here is a perspective of a student who has studied medical geography as a major. Geo-medicine is a booming research field. Find out why Geography is important in fighting the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak.

IBDP Scholarships: Keep your eyes open

50 different types of IBDP scholarships are available for the students entering into the universities.


What about applying for an Internship with UN or World Bank?

Getting an internship offer with UN is a dream for many. UN offers a great range of opportunities for the students with Geography, Economics, International relation and environmental management background.  Refer to the following links …to have an idea about the application process and requirements.

The World Bank Group offers unique programs that provide learning and capacity-building opportunities for juniors too to experience first-hand what working at the WBG is like. They also provide serval study scholarships for the talented students. Refer:


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